MCQs on Liver Function and Metabolism: Biochemistry

Multiple Choice Questions on Liver Function and Metabolism

1) Fatty liver is caused by the accumulation/deposition of fats in the liver. 
Which of the following condition is not the likely cause of fatty liver?
a) Obesity
b) Starvation
c) Pregnancy
d) Diabetes mellitus

2) Which of the following are the nonfunctional plasma enzymes increased in alcoholic subjects?
a) Alkaline phosphatase
b) Acid Phosphatase
c) Lactate dehydrogenase
d) Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT)

3) 'Crigler-Najjar syndrome' is a genetic disorder associated with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia. What is the deficient enzyme responsible for the disease?
a) Bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UGT1A1)
b) Biliverdin reductase
c) Bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyl synthase (UGS1A1)
d) Heme oxygenase

4) Which of the following statements about urobilinogen is true?
a) It is normally excreted in high amounts in urine.
b) It is produced in the liver.
c) It is a waste product of heme metabolism.
d) It is always indicative of liver disease.

5) 'Galactosemia' is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme responsible for galactose metabolism.
Name the enzyme. Please select one correct answer from the following options:
a) Galactokinase
b) Galactose 1- phosphate Uridyl transferase
c) UDP-4- Epimerase
d) Galactose dehydrogenase

6) The biochemical investigation of the blood specimen showed Bilirubin- 4.5 mg/dl, ALT- 150 IU/L, AST- 200 IU/L, and Albumin- 25 mg/dL. 
What is the likely biochemical diagnosis?
a) Chronic hepatic disease
b) Acute hepatic disease
c) Hemolytic Jaundice
d) Obstructive liver disease

7) Which of the following enzyme is a sensitive marker of alcoholic liver disease?
a) Alanine transaminase
b) Aspartate transaminase
c) Gamma-Glutamyltransferase
d) Alkaline phosphatase

8) Which of the following marker is used for the differential diagnosis of obstructive jaundice?
a) Lactate dehydrogenase
b) Creatine Kinase
c) Carbonic anhydrase
d) 5’- Nucleotidase

9) Which of the following samples is usually taken for the liver function test?
a) Blood sample
b) Urine sample
c) Intestine Biopsy sample
d) Sputum sample

10) Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver because of the presence of.................................
a) Phosphofructokinase
b) Pyruvate carboxylase
c) Glucose 6 phosphatase
d) Glucokinase

11) Which of the following statements is true of warfarin?
a) competitive antagonist of vitamin
b) co-administration of aspirin is safe
c) prolonged prothrombin time
d) reduced synthesis of coagulation factor VIII.

12) Starch contains glucose units with 1-4 and 1-6 bonds and which enzyme helps to hydrolyze branched-chain?
a) amylase
b) maltase
c) isomaltase
d) sucrase

13)Which of the following molecule is the substrate for ketogenesis?
a) alanine
b) oxaloacetate
c) triacylglycerol
d) acetyl CoA

14) Which of the following enzyme is a sensitive marker of alcoholic liver disease?
a) Alanine transaminase
b) Aspartate transaminase
c) Alkaline phosphatase
d) Gamma-Glutamyltransferase

15) Which of the following marker is used for the differential diagnosis of 'obstructive jaundice'?
a) Lactate dehydrogenase
b) Creatine Kinase
c) Carbonic anhydrase
d) 5’- Nucleotidase

16) Crigler's Najjar Syndrome II occurs due to...................................
a) Excessive production of bilirubin
b) Complete Absence of a conjugating enzyme
c) Partial deficiency of the conjugating enzyme
d) Overexpression of conjugating enzymes

17) Which of the following enzyme regulates the TCA cycle:
a) succinate dehydrogenase
b) fumarase
c) isocitrate dehydrogenase
d) malate dehydrogenase

18) A person is suffering from a glycogen storage disease known as von Gierke disease. 
Identify the missing enzyme from the following:
a) glucokinase
b) glucose-6- phosphatase
c) phosphoglucomutase
d) phosphoglucoisomerase

19) What is the cause of the 'Wernicke-Korsakoff ' syndrome?
a) high-calorie intake from carbohydrate
b) high intake of energy from alcohol
c) high intake of fat for energy
d) high intake of protein for energy

20) Which of the following trace metal are localized in the taste bud and play an important role as structural components of the taste bud?
a) Cu (copper )
b) Zn (zinc)
c) Cr (chromium)
d) Fe (iron)

21) Identify the pentose phosphate pathway intermediate that oxidizes and generates co-enzyme NADPH
a) fructose 6 phosphate
b) ribose-5-phosphate
c) glucose -6 phosphate
d) glucose -1 phosphate

22) What is a 'Wilson disease'?
a) A autoimmune disorder with the excessive deposition of zinc in the liver
b)A autoimmune disorder with the excessive deposition of antibiotics in the liver
c)A autoimmune disorder with the excessive deposition of bilirubin in the liver
d)A autoimmune disorder with the excessive deposition of copper  in the liver

Multiple Choice Question Set I Answers:
2-d)Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT)
GGT is an enzyme found in various tissues throughout the body, with high concentrations in the liver. It is often elevated in individuals who consume excessive amounts of alcohol. It is one of the most sensitive markers for chronic alcohol ingestion and liver damage associated with alcohol use.

3-a)Bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyl transferase.
Crigler-Najjar Syndrome is a rare inherited disorder characterized by a severe form of jaundice due to high levels of unconjugated bilirubin in the blood. This condition results from a deficiency or complete absence of the enzyme uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT1A1), which is necessary for the conjugation and subsequent elimination of bilirubin from the body.

4-c) It is a waste product of heme metabolism.
Urobilinogen is a byproduct of the breakdown of heme, a component of hemoglobin found in red blood cells. When red blood cells are broken down, heme is converted into biliverdin, which is then reduced to bilirubin.

5-b)Galactose 1- phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT).
Galactosemia is a rare genetic metabolic disorder that affects an individual's ability to process and metabolize galactose, a simple sugar found in milk and other dairy products. There are three main types of galactosemia, Classic Galactosemia (Type I), Classic Galactosemia (Type II), Classic Galactosemia (Type III), the deficiency of GALT is necessary for converting galactose into glucose, which the body can use for energy.

6-a)Chronic hepatic disease
Bilirubin and albumin are key markers in assessing liver function. Normal values for bilirubin are 0.1 to 1.2 mg/dL for total bilirubin and 3.5 to 5.0 g/dL for albumin for healthy individuals. Elevated bilirubin levels and low albumin levels can indicate chronic hepatic diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholestasis, and liver cancer. 

Chronic alcohol consumption induces the production of GGT in the liver and bile ducts, leading to elevated blood levels.

8-d) 5’- Nucleotidase
Elevated levels of 5'-Nucleotidase in the blood are indicative of liver and bile duct diseases.

9-a) Blood
10-c)Glucose 6 phosphatase
11-a)competitive antagonist of vitamin
13-d)acetyl CoA
14-b)Aspartate transaminase
15-d) 5’- Nucleotidase
16-c)Partial deficiency of the conjugating enzyme
17-a)succinate dehydrogenase
18-b)glucose-6- phosphatase
19-c) high intake of fat for energy
20-b)Zn (zinc)
21-c)glucose -6 phosphate
22-d)A autoimmune disorder with the excessive deposition of copper in the liver


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