MCQ on Mumps, Measles and Rubella viruses (Medical Microbiology)

Multiple Choice Question on Mumps, Measles, and Rubella viruses. MMR vaccine

1) Paramyxoviruses have all of the following properties, EXCEPT?
a) Consists of a segmented genome
b) Envelope contains glycoprotein which has fusion activity
c) Has a negative RNA genome
d) Replicate in the cytoplasm

2)  Each of the following pathogens can cause respiratory infections in humans, EXCEPT?
a) Respiratory syncytial virus
b) Parainfluenza virus
c) Measles virus
d) Rabies virus

3) Respiratory syncytial virus primarily infects the lower respiratory tract of the lungs, it can cause bronchiolitis, and pneumonia in children and elderly people. 
Which of the following virus is not a common pathogen found in lower respiratory tract infections?
a) Rhinovirus
b) Metapneumovirus
c) Influenza virus
d) Respiratory syncytial virus

4) Which of the following is an example of the natural hosts of the Mumps virus?
a) Pigs
b) Bats
c) Horses
d) Humans

5) Measles virus is transmitted through airborne droplets and is one of the leading causes of respiratory infections mostly seen in children of developing countries. 
Which of the following statements is not correct about the epidemiologic features of measles?
a) More than one serotype of the virus has been identified
b) Humans are the only reservoir
c) Infection confers lifelong immunity
d) Infection can be transmitted from mother to the fetus

6) Mumps is a highly contagious viral infection transmitted from person to person. 
Which of the following is not the common symptom of the mumps virus?
a) Fever
b) Muscle aches
c) Swollen salivary glands
d) Skin rashes

7) All of the following statements about measles (Rubeola) and rubella (German measles) are true, EXCEPT?
a) Humans are the only host for the rubella virus
b) Rubeola virus infection is characterized by maculopapular rashes
c) Rubella virus causes swelling of salivary glands
d) Rubella can cause serious birth defects in babies born to infected mothers

8) Which of the following age group have been found to be most affected by the parainfluenza virus?
a) Teenagers
b) Babies 
c) Elder people
d) School-age children

9) Which of the following statements is correct about congenital rubella syndrome?
a) Children born to unvaccinated mothers are at higher risks
b) The infected newborns usually show mild symptoms
c) Ribavirin is a very effective drug for the treatment of the infection
d) All of the above

10) The symptoms of the measles virus infection develop within 2 to 5 days, the most common is skin rashes. 
Which of the following are Not the other symptoms related to measles?
a) Red and watery eyes
b) Runny nose
c) High-grade fever
d) Enlarged salivary glands

11) Each of the following statements about the measles vaccine is correct, EXCEPT?
a) The vaccine was first introduced in 1963
b) It is available only in a monovalent form
c) The vaccine can be introduced to the child as early as 12 months of age
d) The vaccine contains live, attenuated virus

12) Mumps virus can primarily infect which of the following organs? 
Choose the correct answer:
a) Salivary glands
b) Limbs
c) Eyes
d) Ears

13) The rubella vaccine consists of an inactivated rubella virus:
a) True
b) False

14) Which of the following statements is true about Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)?
a) Very useful for mRNA quantitation
b) Highly specific assay than serology for certain virus detection
c) Low cost and easily available
d) Helps in the identification of virus strains

15) Vaccines are available for the prevention of infection caused by all of the following viruses, EXCEPT?
a) Measles virus
b) Mumps virus
c) Human parainfluenza virus
d) Varicella-zoster virus

16) When was the first dose of MMR vaccine approved and distributed to the public?
a) 1971
c) 2000
d) 1991

17) The first dose of MMR vaccine and varicella vaccine (VAR) is most effective for which of the following age group of people?
a) 12 years and older
b) 12 months to 10 years old
c) Newborn and 6 months old
d) 60 years and older

18) Which of the following viral infection is most commonly associated with the varicella virus?
a) Yellow fever
b) Gangrene
c) Tuberculosis
d) Chickenpox

19) Children infected with the measles virus may die when symptoms worsen and become chronic.
Name the common complication that occurs if the chronic infection develops in infants and children
a) Kidney failure
b) Liver damage
c) Encephalitis
d) Paraplegia

20) Vaccination is only an important effective preventive method for mumps. Symptoms of the mumps usually disappear within how many days after the initial infection?
a) 1 to 2 weeks
b) 1 month
c) 2 to 5 days
d) 4 to 8 weeks

1-a) Consists of a segmented genome
2-d) Rabies virus 
3-a) Rhinovirus 
4-d) Humans
5-a) More than one serotype of the virus has been identified 
6-d) Skin rashes 
7-c) Rubella virus causes swelling of salivary glands 
8-b) Babies
9-a) Children born to an unvaccinated mother are at higher risks
10-d) Enlarged salivary glands 
11-b) It is available only in a monovalent form 
12- a) Salivary glands
13-b) False
14-c) Low cost and easily available
15-c) Human parainfluenza virus
16-a) 1971
17-b) 12 months to 12 years old
18-d) Chickenpox
19-c) Encephalitis ( infection in the brain)
20-a) 1 to 2 weeks 


  1. At the end of the day, you need to ask yourself whether not getting vaccinated is a risk you are willing to take. Japanese Encephalitis While other forms of tetanus are a serious disease, recovery is the norm.


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