MCQs on Plasma Proteins: Biochemistry

                                        MCQs on Plasma Proteins

1) Plasma proteins are composed of mostly glycoproteins, lipoproteins, and immunoglobulins that function in the immune system; binding and transporting nutrients, toxic substances, metals, etc.
The normal reference range for total plasma proteins is............................
a) 2.5-4.5 gm/dl
b) 4.5-6.0 gm/dl
c) 6.0-8.3 gm/dl
4) >8.3gm/dl

2) Albumin and globulin (A&G) are the two important group of plasma proteins, the reference range for the A: G ratio is 0.8-2.0. Based on the electrophoretic mobility, the globulin fraction may be further classified into alpha-1 globulin, alpha-2 globulin, beta-globulin, and gamma-globulin.
Which of the following protein is present in the gamma-globulin fraction?
a) Ceruloplasmin
b) Haptoglobin
c) Immunoglobulin
d) Transthyretin

3) C-reactive protein, a plasma protein that is elevated during inflammation and infections. 
C-reactive protein falls into the category of which of the following proteins?
a) Transport proteins
b) Clotting proteins
c) Plasma Enzymes
d) Acute-phase proteins

4) Albumin (69kDa) is the major plasma protein constituting 60% of total plasma protein content.
Which of the following is not the function of albumin?
a) Maintenance of osmotic pressure
b) Binding and transport of fatty acids and bilirubin
c) Transport of iron
d) Transport of drugs such as sulphonamides

5) Which of the following protein has a half-life of approximately 48 hours and is also measured as a biomarker for acute hepatic failure or malnutrition?
a) Albumin
b) Transthyretin
3) Ceruloplasmin
d) Haptoglobin

6) Which of the following plasma protein is not involved in iron homeostasis?
a) Haptoglobin
b) Transferrin
c) Ferritin
d) Ceruloplasmin

7) Clotting factors are plasma proteins responsible for blood coagulation and deficiency results in bleeding disorder and prolonged prothrombin time (PT). The prolonged PT can also occur due to a deficiency of vitamin K.
The hepatic vs extrahepatic etiology for prolonged PT can be determined by.......................................................
a) measuring of factor VIII activity
b) measuring International Normalized Ratio (INR)
c) parenteral injection of 10 mg Vit K
d) measuring factor IX activity

8) Primary hemochromatosis is caused by a mutation of the gene HFE and is characterized by iron overload in various tissues.
Which of the following condition does not co-exist with primary hemochromatosis?
a) Bronze diabetes
b) Hepatic cirrhosis
c) Cardiac abnormalities
d) Anemia.

9) The normal reference range for prothrombin time is > 15 seconds. 
Which of the following condition have PT above the normal reference range?
a) Wilson disease
b) Ischemic hepatic disease
c) Primary Hemochromatosis
d) Autoimmune hepatitis

10) The following condition can be altered A: G (albumin/globulin) ratio less than 2 with decreased plasma albumin concentration:
a) Chronic hepatic Cirrhosis
b) Acute hepatitis
c) Obstructive jaundice
d) Increased alcohol consumption

1-c) 6.0-8.3 gm/dl
2-b) Immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulins or antibodies are crucial components of plasma that recognize and neutralize foreign antigens like bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.
3-d) Acute-phase proteins
4-c) Transport of iron. Albumin helps in regulation of fluid balance between the blood and tissues, and transport of fatty acids and bilirubin.

5-b) Transthyretin
6-d) Ceruloplasmin
7- c) parenteral injection of 10 mg Vit K
8-d) Anemia
9-b) Ischemic hepatic disease
10-a) Chronic hepatic Cirrhosis

