MCQ on Viruses, Structure and pathogenesis (Medical Microbiology)

Pathogenic Viruses, Structure, and pathogenesis 
Multiple Choice Question

1) What are the different categories of the classification of viruses? 
Select all the correct options below:
a) Structure of the viruses
b) Transmission of diseases by viruses
c) Biochemical properties of the viruses
d) Host range of the viruses

2) All of the following are the structural characteristics of the virus, EXCEPT?
a) Virus consists of either DNA or RNA genome
b) The outer layer of all viruses consists of a lipid membrane
c) The capsid of the viruses is made up of protein
d) The size of viruses may range from 18 nm to 300 nm

3) All of the following viruses are resistant to drying and detergents, EXCEPT?
a) Reoviruses
b) Adenoviruses
c) Picornaviruses
d) Togaviruses

4) Which of the following viruses have the genome replication in the nucleus?
a) Papillomaviruses
b) Picornaviruses
c) Togaviruses
d) Reoviruses

5) Which of the following virus can cause infection in humans through the fecal-oral route?
a) Togavirus
b) Adenovirus
c) Retrovirus
d) Poxvirus

6) Rhinoviruses can be killed by acid and high temperature
a) True
b) False

7) Yellow fever and dengue fever both viruses belong to which family group of the viruses?
a) Picornaviruses
b) Retroviruses
c) Flaviviruses
d) Paramyxoviruses

8) What are the general features of the Poliovirus?
 Select all the correct options given below:
a) It is a capsid virus
b) The mode of transmission to humans is the fecal-oral route
c) It has the RNA genome
d) It is a enveloped virus

9) Which of the following virus have genome replication in the cytoplasm?
a) Orthomyxoviruses
b) Poxviruses
c) Herpesviruses
d) None of the above

10) Which of the following statement is most correct about Retroviruses?
a) It has the circular DNA
b) It is a double-stranded DNA virus
c) Make DNA from the RNA template
d) Viral DNA replicates in the host cytoplasm

11) All of the following are the properties of Paramyxoviruses, EXCEPT?
a) Its genome is segmented
b) It is an enveloped virus
c) The causative agent of mumps and measles
d) It is larger than Orthomyxoviruses in size

12) Which of the following is the largest virus?
a) Polio virus
b) Flu virus
c) Dengue virus
d) Smallpox virus

13) Which of the following virus genome is translated into polyprotein?
a) Smallpox virus
b) Yellow fever virus
c) Norwalk virus
d) All of the above

14) Which of the following virus use positive RNA template to replicate the genome?
a) Influenza virus
b) Epstein-Barr virus
c) Chikungunya virus
d) Human papilloma virus

15) Name the bacterial virus from the following options given below?
a) Tobacco mosaic virus
b) T4 bacteriophage
c) Ebola virus
d) Influenza B virus

16) Coronavirus is a................................
a) Human DNA virus
b) Human RNA virus
c) Bacteriophage
d) Naked virus  

17) Which of the following statement is correct regarding the viral replication?
a) All viruses are strict intracellular parasites and rely upon components of the host cell to replicate
b) DNA viruses are strict intracellular parasites and rely upon components of the host cell to replicate
c) RNA viruses are strict intracellular parasites and rely upon components of the host cell to replicate
d) None of the above

18) Which of the following is the protein present around the nucleic acid of the virus?
a) Genome
b) Peptidoglycan
c) Capsid
d) Envelope

19) Which of the following microscope is used for the observation of virus particles and it's structural components?
a) Bright field microscope
b) Compound microscope
c) Electron microscope
d) Simple microscope

20) Select all the correct statement regarding the Adeno virus (naked virus)
a) A RNA virus
b) Do not consist of the envelope
c) Cause of respiratory infections in children
d) Resistant to environmental factors

21) Steps of viral replication includes:
        Virus attachment to host cell   Penetration    Uncoating   .......................?   Viral assembly   Release 
a) Budding
b) Degradation
c) Addition
d) Synthesis

22) Which of the following virus is a common viral pathogen of conjunctivitis or keratitis?
a) Herpes simplex virus 
b) Norovirus
c) Rhinovirus
d) Ebola virus

23) Which of the following is not a common human viral pathogen that causes pneumonia in adults?
a) Adenovirus
b) Influenza virus
c) Rotavirus
d) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)


Multiple Choice Answers:
1-All of the above a, b, c, d
2-b) The outer layer of all viruses consists of a lipid membrane
3-d) Togaviruses
4-a) Papillomaviruses
5-b) Adenovirus
6-a) True
7-c) Flaviviruses
8-Option a, b & c, Polio virus is a naked virus, a non-enveloped virus
9-b) Poxviruses
10-c) Make DNA from the RNA template
11-a) Its genome is segmented
12-d) Smallpox virus
13-c) Norwalk virus
14-a) Influenza virus
15-b) T4 bacteriophage
16-b) Human RNA virus 
17- a) All viruses are strict intracellular parasites and rely upon components of the host cell to replicate
18- c) Capsid
19- c) Electron microscope
20- b), c) and d). Adeno virus is a DNA virus
21- d) Synthesis, nucleic acid and protein production
22- a) Herpes simplex virus 
23- c) Rotavirus, it is a human gastroenteritis virus that causes food poisoning
MCQ on Pathogenic Viruses, Structure and Function


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